
Laravel implode function on images array

How can I make this an implode function using array of images? I am getting an error of:

implode(): Invalid arguments passed

My controller:

    public function store(Request $request)
    $this->validate($request, [
        'promotion_image' => 'required'

    if ($request->has('promotion_image'))
        //Handle File Upload

        $promotion = [];
        foreach ($request->file('promotion_image') as $key => $file)
            // Get FileName
            $filenameWithExt = $file->getClientOriginalName();
            //Get just filename
            $filename = pathinfo( $filenameWithExt, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
            //Get just extension
            $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
            //Filename to Store
            $fileNameToStore = $filename.'_'.time().'.'.$extension;
            //Upload Image
            $path = $file->storeAs('public/promotion_images',$fileNameToStore);
            array_push($promotion, $fileNameToStore);

        $fileNameToStore = serialize($promotion);

    foreach ($promotion as $key => $value) {
        $promotionImage = new Promotion;
        $promotionImage->promotion_image = implode(' , ',$value);
    return redirect('/admin/airlineplus/promotions')->with('success', 'Image Inserted');

My view:

 @foreach($promotions as $promotion)

      //HERE IS WHERE THE IMAGE ARE VIEWED      <th><img src="{{ asset('storage/promotion_images/' . $promotion->promotion_image) }}" style="width:50px;height:50px;"></th>
            <th><a href="/admin/airlineplus/promotions/{{ $promotion->id  }}/edit" class="fa fa-edit btn btn-primary btn-lg"></a></th>



  • If I get you right, try without foreach loop

    if (count($promotion)) {
        $implodedPromotion = implode(' , ', $promotion);
        $promotionImage = new Promotion;
        $promotionImage->promotion_image = $implodedPromotion;
        return redirect('/admin/airlineplus/promotions')->with('success', 'Image Inserted');
    return redirect('/admin/airlineplus/promotions')->with('error', 'Something went wrong.');


    If you have that value in your view and want to show those images, you should do the next:

    @foreach($promotions as $promotion)
            $imagesImploded = $promotion->promotion_image;
            $imagesExploded = explode(',', $imagesImploded);
            @foreach($imagesExploded as $image)  
            <th><img src="{{ asset('storage/promotion_images/' . trim($image)) }}" style="width:50px;height:50px;"></th>
            <th><a href="/admin/airlineplus/promotions/{{ $promotion->id  }}/edit" class="fa fa-edit btn btn-primary btn-lg"></a></th>