
How to add accept application/json header for swagger-php OpenApi

I'm use L5-Swagger 5.7.* package (wrapper of Swagger-php) and tried describe Laravel REST API. So, my code like this:

 * @OA\Post(path="/subscribers",
 *     @OA\RequestBody(
 *         @OA\MediaType(
 *            mediaType="application/json",
 *            @OA\Schema(
 *               type="object",
 *               @OA\Property(property="email", type="string")
 *            )
 *        )
 *    ),
 *   @OA\Response(response=201,description="Successful created"),
 *   @OA\Response(response=422, description="Error: Unprocessable Entity")
 * )
public function publicStore(SaveSubscriber $request)
    $subscriber = Subscriber::create($request->all());
    return new SubscriberResource($subscriber);

But when I try send request via swagger panel I get code:

curl -X POST "" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-CSRF-TOKEN: " -d "{\"email\":\"bademail\"}"

As you can see, accept is not application/json and Laravel doesn't identify this as an AJAX request. So, when I send wrong data and expect to get 422 with errors in real I get 200 code with errors in "session". Request (XHR) through the swagger panel is also processed incorrectly, CURL code just for clarity.

Also, I found that in the previous version was used something like:

* @SWG\Post(
*     ...
*     consumes={"multipart/form-data"},
*     produces={"text/plain, application/json"},
*     ...)

But now it's already out of date.

So, how get 422 code without redirect if validation fails? Or maybe add 'XMLHttpRequest' header? What is the best thing to do here?


  • The response(s) didn't specify a mimetype.

     @OA\Response(response=201, description="Successful created"),

    If you specify a json response, swagger-ui will send an Accept: application/json header.

    PS. Because json is so common swagger-php has a @OA\JsonContent shorthand, this works for the response:

    @OA\Response(response=201, description="Successful created", @OA\JsonContent()),

    and the requestbody:

        @OA\Property(property="email", type="string")