In my constructor function I pass:
constructor($compile, uiCalendarConfig) {
this.$compile = $compile;
this.uiCalendarConfig = uiCalendarConfig;
and when I log it's value inside $onInit() at the start of it
$onInit() {
console.log('this.$compile:', this.$compile, 'this.uiCalendarConfig:', this.uiCalendarConfig);
I get literal code of $compile function.
But when $compile is called from within
eventRender( event, element, view ) {
element.attr({'tooltip': event.title,
'tooltip-append-to-body': true});
console.log('event:', event);
console.log('edited element:', element);
console.log('view:', view);
console.log('this.$compile:', this.$compile);
which is referred to inside:
this.uiConfig = {
calendar: {
height: 450,
editable: true,
left: 'title',
center: '',
right: 'today, prev, next'
eventClick: this.alertOnEventClick,
eventDrop: this.alertOnDrop,
eventResize: this.alertOnResize,
eventRender: this.eventRender
result of console.log('this.$compile:', this.$compile);
is undefined
value of this.$compile.
And that's my problem, because I don't know why it's undefined there, if at the init of the controller it already is a function.
Anybody knows what I may be missing?
That is because eventRender
is called in the context of uiConfig
and in that context there is no $compile
I guess! One remedy that comes to my mind is to store a reference of your controller and use that inside of your eventRender
var self = this;
eventRender( event, element, view ) {
element.attr({'tooltip': event.title,
'tooltip-append-to-body': true});
console.log('event:', event);
console.log('edited element:', element);
console.log('view:', view);
console.log('this.$compile:', this.$compile);
I have not tested it, Maybe it doesn't work at all.