
Laravel Passport: Add Auth Guard to Passport Routes?

Is there a way to overide the passport route middleware with your own auth guard?

In my boot method of the AuthServiceProvider I can do the following but it simply merges the middleware with the defaults ( :

public function boot()

    Passport::routes(null, ['middleware' => 'auth:recruiters']);

For example the above gives me the following middleware applied to the routes:

GET|HEAD | oauth/authorize |   | Laravel\Passport\Http\Controllers\AuthorizationController@authorize | auth:recruiters,web,auth   

I want to completely remove the auth middleware where it is applied to any passport routes and replace with auth:recruiter or any other guard.

In my config/auth.php I have my guards set up as follows - note the provider is the users table so the only thing I want to implement is to change the deafult auth in the passport routes by specifying a guard:

 'guards' => [
    'web' => [
        'driver' => 'session',
        'provider' => 'users',

    'api' => [
        'driver' => 'passport',
        'provider' => 'users',

    'recruiter' => [
        'driver' => 'session',
        'provider' => 'users',


Do I need to write my own passport routes to achieve this and if so do i just stick them in the routes.php file and remove the Passport::routes() from the boot method?

Whats the callback option on the Passport::routes() method, can I use that perhaps to overide the existing routes?

public static function routes($callback = null, array $options = [])
    $callback = $callback ?: function ($router) {
    $defaultOptions = [
        'prefix' => 'oauth',
        'namespace' => '\Laravel\Passport\Http\Controllers',
    $options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
    Route::group($options, function ($router) use ($callback) {
        $callback(new RouteRegistrar($router));

Some guidance would be appreciated along with some code snippet for support.


  • Ok so I managed to do some kind of hack to apply my own auth guard as follows.

    In my boot method I overide all the passport routes using the callback method:

    public function boot()
        $guard = 'auth';
        $prefix = 'oauth';
        if ($this->app->request->is('recruiter/*')){
            $guard = 'auth:recruiter';
            $prefix = 'recruiter/oauth';
        Passport::routes(function ($router) use ($guard) {
            // forAuthorization
            Route::group(['middleware' => ['web', $guard]], function ($router) {
                $router->get('/authorize', [
                    'uses' => 'AuthorizationController@authorize',
                $router->post('/authorize', [
                    'uses' => 'ApproveAuthorizationController@approve',
                $router->delete('/authorize', [
                    'uses' => 'DenyAuthorizationController@deny',
            // all other routes...
       }, ['prefix' => $prefix]);

    I also updated the urls for the out of the box vue components as follows by prepending a base url - in my case the base url defines the guard to use as well.

     getClients() {
         axios.get('/' + baseUrl + '/oauth/clients')
                        .then(response => {
                            this.clients =;

    I store the base url value in my master layout template inside a script tag as I have a different layout template for each type of user e.g:

            var baseUrl = "recruiter";

    Lastly I amended the vendor/passport/authorize.blade.php file by updating the approve and cancel form urls as follows:

    <form method="post" action="/{{ Request::segment(1) }}/oauth/authorize"> 

    Now I can continue to use my multiauth set up.

    Note this only works if your multi auth provider are all users