By following the documentation of NAOqi, I can start my application by doing the following command tabService.showWebview("http://" + ip + "/apps/" + uid + "/index.html")
Now I want to terminate/stop this by remotely by similar way.
Does anybody know this?
Thank you very much!!
I dont think you are starting your application by calling showWebView(). You just display the website on the tablet.
Now I see several options for you, depending on what you actually want:
You want to hide the website then ALTabletService API offers the method hide
You want to terminate a specific service then you can have look into ServiceManager API method stopService
You want to stop Pepper from speaking ALTextToSpeech API offers the function stopAll e.g.:
import naoqi from naoqi
import ALProxy
tts = ALProxy("ALTextToSpeech",IP, 9559)