
Using Lets Encrypt SSL certificates with crossbar WAMP router (0.13)

A certificate has been generated from Let's Encrypt and installed onto an existing (working) crossbar server as follows (and as the documentation suggests):

"endpoint": {
    "type": "tcp",
    "port": 8089,
    "tls": {
      "key": "../ssl/key.pem",
      "certificate": "../ssl/cert.pem"

When connecting via Java (I am sure the result would have been similar if differently worded in other APIs) the result is: Trust anchor for certification path not found

Having determined this could be due to requiring Let's Encrypt's intermediate certificate that was linked like this:

"endpoint": {
    "type": "tcp",
    "port": 8089,
    "tls": {
      "key": "../ssl/key.pem",
      "certificate": "../ssl/cert.pem",
      "ca_certificates": [

Unfortunately this also does not work, resulting in a handshake error (I didn't note down the exact wording).


  • Digging further into the documentation I found this example which explicitly references a lets encrypt intermediate but has a different name for the key parameter:

    "chain_certificates": [

    Trying this resulted in the same issue (handshake failure)

    I then tried the following:

    So basically this:

      "tls": {
          "key": "../ssl/key.pem",
          "certificate": "../ssl/cert-plus-intermediate.pem"

    After restarting the server again (you'll need to restart each time you change SSL settings) the connection established correctly. Note also that once you have a working configuration you should ensure the key file can only be read by a trusted user on the system, ideally just whichever user crossbar will run as (chmod 600 key.pem)