I'm trying to use twiny()
in matplotlib
for plotting of a curve with two x-axes from an XML file consisting of these data blocks:
My problem is that I get misaligned values on these x-axes. Here is my Python script:
import math
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import get_sun
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from matplotlib import dates
tree = ET.parse('20181110_10241.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
x_ut = []
x_phi = []
y_brightness = []
def convert_time(obs_time):
obs_time = str(obs_time)
d, t = obs_time.split('T')
year, month, day = map(int, d.split('-'))
hour, minute, second = t.split(':')
return datetime(year, month, day, int(hour), int(minute)) + \
def get_sun_coords(obs_time):
sun_coords = get_sun(obs_time)
sun_ra = sun_coords.ra.degree
sun_dec = sun_coords.dec.degree
return sun_ra, sun_dec
def get_phase_angle(sun_ra, sun_dec, target_ra, target_dec):
phase_angle = math.degrees(math.acos(-math.sin(math.radians(sun_dec))*math.sin(math.radians(target_dec)) - math.cos(math.radians(sun_dec))*math.cos(math.radians(target_dec))*math.cos(math.radians(sun_ra-target_ra))))
return phase_angle
for meas in root.findall('meas'):
obs_time = Time(meas.find('utc').text, format='isot', scale='utc')
target_ra = float(meas.find('ra_j2000').text)*15
target_dec = float(meas.find('dec_j2000').text)
mag = float(meas.find('mag').text)
sun_ra, sun_dec = get_sun_coords(obs_time)
phase_angle = get_phase_angle(sun_ra, sun_dec, target_ra, target_dec)
obs_time = convert_time(obs_time)
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.plot(x_ut, y_brightness, marker='o', label='apparent brightness')
ax1.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=45)
ax1.set_xlabel('time [h:m, UT]')
ax1.set_ylabel('apparent brightness [mag, CR]')
ax2 = ax1.twiny()
ax2.plot(x_phi,y_brightness, marker='^', color='red')
ax2.set_xlabel('phase angle (phi) [deg]')
Which produces the following plot:
I intend to hide the red curve later (by using visibility=False
), here I'm plotting it only to see the proper alignment of x-axes values, namely, both curves must(!) overlap in fact, because the phase angle (x_phi
) values are dependent on corresponding time-stamp (x_ut
) values, but as you can clearly see, only the beginning and the end are aligned properly, but most of the data in-between is misaligned (phase curve shifted to the right).
What am I doing wrong?
Initially, I supposed, that phase angle (x_phi
) was changing in time non-linearly, so that set_xlim()
of both curves stretched them differently, but this is not true, I've plotted x_phi
against x_ut
and there is an obvious linear change:
Thank you for any help in advance!
EDIT: The non-linearity has been proven by tel in his answer below. Thus, I slightly change my question.
If I remove set_xlim()
from both subplots ax1
and ax2
, then:
1) The upper x-axis is automatically inverted, starting with the smallest value, although the list x_phi
, which gives the values, starts with the largest value -- how can I avoid this inversion without using invert_axis()
? (in different cases I will always have either only increasing or only decreasing values in the x_phi
2) There are 3 lists in total: x_ut
, x_phi
and y_brightness
; and I need to actually plot only the curve y_brightness
vs. x_ut
and additionally to have the values of x_phi
(with ticker.MultipleLocator(1)
) aligned with corresponding values of moments of time from x_ut
-- how can I do that?
My problem is similar to this one: How do I align gridlines for two y-axis scales using Matplotlib? But in my case there is no linear spacing between the ticks of the upper x-axis, so that I cannot use that solution.
Also, this question deals with a similar problem:
trouble aligning ticks for matplotlib twinx axes
But I dont know how to express the relation between the two x-axes in my case, because the data type is very different: datetime vs. float. The only relation between them is one-to-one, that is, the first value from x_ut
is related to the first value from x_phi
, the second to the second, and so forth; and this relation is non-linear.
EDIT 2: The number 1) in my previous EDIT is solved now. And for the rest of the problem, it looks like I have to use register_scale()
in order to re-scale the secondary x-axis with respect to the primary x-axis. To do that I would also have to define a subclass of matplotlib.scale.ScaleBase
. So far I have found only two complicated (for me) examples of how to do that:
https://stackoverrun.com/es/q/8578801 (in Spanish, but with English comments inside the code)
I am not sure if I will be able to implement this by myself, so I still seek for any help with that.
Yay! I've managed to get the sought result without defining a new scale class! Here are the relevant code parts which have been added/modified in the script from the question (the variable step
will be later read from the user command line input, or I might find another way of automated tick frequency setting):
x_ut = []
x_phi = []
x_phi_ticks = []
x_phi_ticklabels = []
y_brightness = []
# populate lists for the phase angle ticks and labels
i = 0
step = 15
while i <= (len(x_ut)-step):
i += step
# plot'em all
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.plot(x_ut, y_brightness, marker='o', label='apparent brightness')
ax1.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=45)
ax1.grid(which='major', linestyle='-', color='#000000')
ax1.grid(which='minor', linestyle='--')
ax1.set_xlabel('time [h:m, UT]')
ax1.set_ylabel('apparent brightness [mag, CR]')
ax2 = ax1.twiny()
ax2.set_xlabel('phase angle (phi) [deg]')