In the unit test below there are two beans: beanA and beanB, where beanA contains a reference to beanB.
When serializing the beans providing a JSON View with custom serializers the custom serializer of beanB does not know about the provided JSON View, as the output of the test is:
"clazz" : "BeanA",
"activeView" : "ViewTest",
"beanB" : {
"clazz" : "BeanB",
"activeView" : null
The only way I found to propagate the activeView is: (see full source code below)
ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) gen.getCodec();
But the JavaDoc of setConfig() says "only use this method if you know what you are doing" - which I obviously don't do...
So my questions are:
(there are some line commented out marked by *** - these are only interesting when playing around without custom serializers (in which case the JSON View seems to get propagated))
public class ViewTest {
public void hello() throws JsonProcessingException {
BeanA beanA = new BeanA();
beanA.beanB = new BeanB();
String result = new ObjectMapper()
// .disable(MapperFeature.DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION) // ***
@JsonSerialize(using = BeanASerializer.class)
static public class BeanA {
// @JsonView(ViewTest.class) // ***
public String clazz = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
// @JsonView(ViewTest.class) // ***
public BeanB beanB;
@JsonSerialize(using = BeanBSerializer.class)
static public class BeanB {
// @JsonView(ViewTest.class) // ***
public String clazz = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
static void writeClazzAndActiveView(String clazz, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException {
gen.writeStringField("clazz", clazz);
if (provider.getActiveView() == null) {
} else {
static class BeanASerializer extends JsonSerializer<BeanA> {
public void serialize(BeanA bean, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
writeClazzAndActiveView(bean.clazz, gen, provider);
// the only way I found to propagate the activeView:
// ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) gen.getCodec();
// mapper.setConfig(provider.getConfig());
gen.writeObjectField("beanB", bean.beanB);
static class BeanBSerializer extends JsonSerializer<BeanB> {
public void serialize(BeanB bean, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
writeClazzAndActiveView(bean.clazz, gen, provider);
Active should be properly propagated via SerializerProvider
. And you are right, you should not set (nor have to set) view that way -- it is not thread-safe, for one, and all configuration of ObjectMapper
is to be done before any and all use
and ObjectWriter
allow per-call changes via various factory methods).
Why this is happening is unclear: I think filing a bug with version info and full reproduction (if there's more to it than code) makes sense.