I've generated random streets using Shapely's LineString function using the following code:
class StreetNetwork():
def __init__(self):
self.street_coords = []
self.coords = {}
def gen_street_coords(self, length, coordRange):
min_, max_ = coordRange
for i in range(length):
street = LineString(((randint(min_, max_), randint(min_, max_)),
(randint(min_, max_), randint(min_,max_))))
If I use:
street_network = StreetNetwork()
street_network.gen_street_coords(10, [-50, 50])
I get an image like so: Simple
I've been looking at the following question which seems similar. I now want to iterate through my list of street_coords, and split streets into 2 if they cross with another street but I'm finding it difficult to find the co-ordinates of the point of intersection. However, as I am unfamiliar with using Shapely, I am struggling to use the "intersects" function.
It is rather simple to check intersection of two LineString objects. To avoid getting empty geometries, I suggest to check for intersection first before computing it. Something like this:
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point
def get_intersections(lines):
point_intersections = []
line_intersections = [] #if the lines are equal the intersections is the complete line!
lines_len = len(lines)
for i in range(lines_len):
for j in range(i+1, lines_len): #to avoid computing twice the same intersection we do some index handling
l1, l2 = lines[i], lines[j]
if l1.intersects(l2):
intersection = l1.intersection(l2)
if isinstance(intersection, LineString):
elif isinstance(intersection, Point)
raise Exception('What happened?')
return point_intersections, line_intersections
With the example:
l1 = LineString([(0,0), (1,1)])
l2 = LineString([(0,1), (1,0)])
l3 = LineString([(5,5), (6,6)])
l4 = LineString([(5,5), (6,6)])
my_lines = [l1, l2, l3, l4]
print get_intersections(my_lines)
I got:
[<shapely.geometry.point.Point object at 0x7f24f00a4710>,
<shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString object at 0x7f24f00a4750>]