it is my first post on the stackoverflow. My problem is generate PDF-file about shop item on-fly, by the clicking on button. Site working on php, bitrix. I trying to use FPDF, and next UFPDF and UFPDF2 - scripts. I make font-files by utilites, which donwload width main files. I have FreeSerif.php, FreeSerif.z and FreeSerif.ctg.z
I include them in script:
$pdf->AddFont('FreeSerif', '', 'FreeSerif.php');
Script generate pdf-file, but pages is 0/0, this document can be create incorrect. Where may be problem?
In most PDF-generator libraries there is a requirment mbstring.func_overload 0
Try to add something like this in httpd.conf, path to script where PDF generated:
<Directory /home/bitrix/ext_www/path/reports>
php_admin_value mbstring.func_overload 0
then restart apache