
Lumen 5.7 JSON response limit

I have a large piece of text in my DB stored and can successfully pull it from my DB, dd() it and log::debug() the content with no issues. The text can be seen here:

The problem comes when I try to return a JSON response of the text. On a clean Lumen 5.7 install in the api.php route file I have this route:

$router->get('/', function () use ($router) { return json_encode("*insert large content here*"); //this is where the big text goes, I won't paste it fully here but it's here in my code as a string });

If I access this route, I get a blank page. Absolutely nothing appears in either my screen, Postman or curl. There's no errors in the error logs, nothing. Just blank.

If I place anything else that is much smaller than the large text (like hello world) I have no problem outputting the response. Can someone please shed some light on what the root cause of this issue is? Is there a character limit for responses in Lumen/Laravel?

--- UPDATE ---

So if I do echo response()->json($string) (where $string) is a variable that holds the long text) I can see the string has been encoded into JSON and the response headers have been added and all this is outputted on screen. However, doing return response()->json($string) still continues to return a blank response.

Would anyone know why the return is not sending back the data from the response()?


  • Fixed the problem: a CORS middleware class that I picked up from here: enter link description here

    Responses with a Content-Length > 6K were being manipulated to have a length of 0 but still return a 200 response. Thanks for the help and advice to all.