
How to parse a ValueError in Python without string parsing?

I am running a programming and getting an expected ValueError output of:

ValueError: {'code': -123, 'message': 'This is the error'}

I cannot figure out how to parse this data and just take the code (or message) value. How can I just get the code value of the ValueError?

I have tried the following:

What is the pythonic way of doing this?


The one thing that does work is taking the string index, but I do not want to do this, as I feel it is not very pythonic.


  • The ValueError exception class have an args attribute which is tuple of arguments given to the exception constructor.

    >>> a = ValueError({'code': -123, 'message': 'This is the error'})
    >>> a
    ValueError({'code': -123, 'message': 'This is the error'})
    >>> raise a
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 1, in 
    ValueError: {'code': -123, 'message': 'This is the error'}
    >>> dir(a) # removed all dunder methods for readability.
    ['args', 'with_traceback']
    >>> a.args
    ({'code': -123, 'message': 'This is the error'},)
    >>> a.args[0]['code']