
VS SDK: Command should not be visible in menu, but only accessible via keyboard shortcut

I am developing a very small extension right now. I don't want to add my newly added commands to the menu as buttons. Instead, I would like to execute these commands via keyboard shortcut only. I have successfully added the keyboard shortcuts to the commands by adding the Keybindings section to the *Package.vsct.

      <Button guid="guidJumpToEndOfWordPackageCmdSet" id="JumpToEndOfWordId" priority="0x0100" type="Button">
        <Parent guid="guidJumpToEndOfWordPackageCmdSet" id="MyMenuGroup" />
    <KeyBinding guid="guidJumpToEndOfWordPackageCmdSet" id="JumpToEndOfWordId"      editor="guidVSStd97" key1="VK_RIGHT" mod1="Control" />

However, as soon as I remove the Buttons section or hide the button, the keybinding also doesn't work anymore. Any suggestions on how to fix this?


  • I have found the answer. Just add this to the button section:


    This way, the command is just executable via command line or keyboard shortcut.