
How to extract Performance Center Run ID during a load test?

I'm running a load test in Performance Center, and would like to extract the Run ID to use within a VuGen test script. I'm using version 12.55 of Performance Center and VuGen. Vugen supports a number of informational functions, but these are vuser-centric(e.g. - whoami). I'm looking for test run information during the test run.


  • No, it is not possible with current version of API.

    The documentation of all resources is https://admhelp.microfocus.com/pc/en/all/api_refs/Performance_Center_REST_API/Performance_Center_REST_API.htm

    We can get the run stats only from when and where we actually started the test. For example, if we started the test using a REST call, we get the Run ID in response.