
How do I create Modality Worklist for a patient in DCM4CHE using HL7 message?

I have managed to create Patients in DCM4CHEE using HL7 messages. I have also created Studies, Series and Observation Reports for respective Patients using only HL7 messages. But I am stuck at Modality Worklist. I cannot find sample HL7 messages to create MWLs. Help will be greatly appreciated.


  • Figured it out.

    I basically used this ER7 sample message to create a patient along with a Modality Worklist in my DCM4CHEE:

    MSH|^~\&|HMIS|DUHS|PACS||20181016115248||OMI^O23^OMI_O23|20181016115248|P|2.5.1||||||UNICODE UTF-8
    PID|||18131495254749211102 71^^^FR&UNKNOWN&ISO^NH~DDS-30938^^^DDS&^PI||Isidor^Raphaël||19281231201400|M|||
    OBR|1|12028^IHE_OM_OP^^ISO||MAWF0017^Breast Specimen Mammography, left^99IHE^9MAWF0017^MG: Breast specimen, left^99IHE|||||||||||||||OMRP1345|OMSPS1372||||CT||||||||||||||||||||MAWF0017^Brest Specimen Mammography, left^IHE99

    The key was to use OMI^O23^OMI_O23 as the trigger event and providing Modality at OBR-24, and (for some reason) not leaving OBR-19 and OBR-20 empty.