I have a forall code with distributed iterators in Chapel and I'm trying to run it on a Cluster.
The code runs perfectly when using the UDP conduit.
Now, I'm trying to use the portable MPI as an internal Layer - with no success.
Here is my configuration:
export CHPL_TASKS=qthreads
export CHPL_COMM=gasnet
export CHPL_LAUNCHER=gasnetrun_mpi
with only this configuration only one node was used. Looking at Gasnet documentation, I added:
export GASNET_NODEFILE="$(pwd)"/nodes
export MPIRUN_CMD='mpirun -np %N -machinefile %H %C'
(these details are missing in the official documentation).
Ok, now I can run Chapel code using MPI. BUT:
1) Each node has 32 cores. If I put hello6 -nl x
, x < 33, all processes are executed by the first locale.
1.1) I would like to run hello6 -nl 4
, so each node would say hello from locale x, adress x.address.
2) Looks like Chapel uses the $OAR_NODEFILE
(maybe another) to create the Locales vector, because this OAR_NODEFILE
has one entry per core for each node.
3) However, even if I change manually both $GASNET_NODEFILE
the Locale vector still contains one entry per core for each CPU node.
4) In the cluster I have access, I run mpi codes like this: mpirun -machinefile $OAR_NODEFILE ~/program
. However, GASNET requires the syntax of the last variable exported.
Can anyone help me configuring the runtime for executing my code on multiple Locales?
Best regards,
Tiago Carneiro.
Assuming you're using the Chapel 1.18 release and Open MPI (let me know if that's not true.) There was a bug in Chapel 1.18 and earlier where when using Open MPI all Chapel instances were packed onto a single node first. This has been fixed on master (https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel/pull/11546) and the fix will be included in the 1.19 release.
You could try using git master, or you might be able to set MPIRUN_CMD="mpirun --bind-to none --map-by ppr:1:node -np %N %P %A"
as a workaround.