
What is wrong with my GEs subscription to Orion CB?

Just realised something is wrong with my fiware infrastructure. IoT-Agent, LWM2M client running (wakaama implementation) and can see device and entities in MongoDB.

Thinking all is well, until I was informed I can check subscriptions to Orion, when I understand Orion has no subscription for IOTAgent, Cygnus etc..

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:1026/v2/subscriptions

I though the IOT-Agent is subscribing automatically (when using real device). Should I manually subscribe for the IOTAgent as well as Cygnus with Orion (or they do this automatically)

Please what is the correct way?


  • IOTAgent:


    You can check existing registrations and subscriptions in Context Broker using the following operations, respectively:

    Note these operations are service aware and service path aware. Thus, you have to set the right fiware-service and fiware-servicepath HTTP request headers in order to get the rigth information. Have a look to the documentation on service and the documentation on service path related this.