
How to optimize binary file manipulation?

here is my code:

def decode(filename):

    with open(filename, "rb") as binary_file:
        # Read the whole file at once
        data = bytearray(

    for i in range(len(data)):
        data[i] = 0xff - data[i]

    with open("out.log", "wb") as out:

I have a file around 10MB, and I need to translate this file by flipping every bits, and save it to a new file.

It takes around 1 second using my code to translate a 10MB file, while it only takes less than 1ms using C.

This is my first python script. I don't if it is right to use bytearray. The most time consuming code is loop for bytearray.


  • If using using the numpy library is an option, then using it would be muchā˜… faster since it can perform the operation on all the bytes via a single statement. Doing byte-level operations in pure Python to relatively large amoont of data is inherently going to be relatively slow as compared to using a module like numpy which is implemented in C and optimized for array processing.

    ā˜… Although not by quite as much in Python 2 as in 3 (see results below).

    The following is a framework I set up to benchmark using it vs the code in your question. It may seem like a lot of code, but most of it is just part of the scaffolding for making performance comparisons.

    I encourage others answering this question to also make use of it.

    from __future__ import print_function
    from collections import namedtuple
    import os
    import sys
    from random import randrange
    from textwrap import dedent
    from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
    import timeit
    import traceback
    N = 1  # Number of executions of each "algorithm".
    R = 3  # Number of repetitions of those N executions.
    UNITS = 1024 * 1024  # MBs
    FILE_SIZE = 10 * UNITS
    # Create test files. Must be done here at module-level to allow file
    # deletions at end.
    with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', delete=False) as inp_file:
        FILE_NAME_IN =
        print('Creating temp input file: "{}", length {:,d}'.format(FILE_NAME_IN, FILE_SIZE))
        inp_file.write(bytearray(randrange(256) for _ in range(FILE_SIZE)))
    with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', delete=False) as out_file:
        FILE_NAME_OUT =
        print('Creating temp output file: "{}"'.format(FILE_NAME_OUT))
    # Common setup for all testcases (executed prior to any Testcase specific setup).
    COMMON_SETUP = dedent("""
        from __main__ import FILE_NAME_IN, FILE_NAME_OUT
    class Testcase(namedtuple('CodeFragments', ['setup', 'test'])):
        """ A test case is composed of separate setup and test code fragments. """
        def __new__(cls, setup, test):
            """ Dedent code fragment in each string argument. """
            return tuple.__new__(cls, (dedent(setup), dedent(test)))
    testcases = {
        "user3181169": Testcase("""
            def decode(filename, out_filename):
                with open(filename, "rb") as binary_file:
                    # Read the whole file at once
                    data = bytearray(
                for i in range(len(data)):
                    data[i] = 0xff - data[i]
                with open(out_filename, "wb") as out:
            """, """
            decode(FILE_NAME_IN, FILE_NAME_OUT)
        "using numpy": Testcase("""
            import numpy as np
            def decode(filename, out_filename):
                with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
                    data = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8)
                # Applies mathematical operation to entire array.
                data = 0xff - data
                with open(out_filename, "wb") as out:
            """, """
            decode(FILE_NAME_IN, FILE_NAME_OUT)
    # Collect timing results of executing each testcase multiple times.
        results = [
                               setup=COMMON_SETUP + testcases[label].setup,
                               repeat=R, number=N)),
            ) for label in testcases
    except Exception:
        traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)  # direct output to stdout
    # Display results.
    major, minor, micro = sys.version_info[:3]
    bitness = 64 if sys.maxsize > 2**32 else 32
    print('Fastest to slowest execution speeds using ({}-bit) Python {}.{}.{}\n'
          '({:,d} execution(s), best of {:d} repetition(s)'.format(
                bitness, major, minor, micro, N, R))
    longest = max(len(result[0]) for result in results)  # length of longest label
    ranked = sorted(results, key=lambda t: t[1]) # ascending sort by execution time
    fastest = ranked[0][1]
    for result in ranked:
        print('{:>{width}} : {:9.6f} secs, relative speed: {:6,.2f}x, ({:8,.2f}% slower)'
                    result[0], result[1], round(result[1]/fastest, 2),
                    round((result[1]/fastest - 1) * 100, 2),
    # Clean-up.
    for filename in (FILE_NAME_IN, FILE_NAME_OUT):
        except FileNotFoundError:

    Output (Python 3):

    Creating temp input file: "T:\temp\tmpw94xdd5i", length 10,485,760
    Creating temp output file: "T:\temp\tmpraw4j4qd"
    Fastest to slowest execution speeds using (32-bit) Python 3.7.1
    (1 execution(s), best of 3 repetition(s)
    using numpy :  0.017744 secs, relative speed:   1.00x, (    0.00% slower)
    user3181169 :  1.099956 secs, relative speed:  61.99x, (6,099.14% slower)

    Output (Python 2):

    Creating temp input file: "t:\temp\tmprk0njd", length 10,485,760
    Creating temp output file: "t:\temp\tmpvcaj6n"
    Fastest to slowest execution speeds using (32-bit) Python 2.7.15
    (1 execution(s), best of 3 repetition(s)
    using numpy :  0.017930 secs, relative speed:   1.00x, (    0.00% slower)
    user3181169 :  0.937218 secs, relative speed:  52.27x, (5,126.97% slower)