Trying to display a ASTextNode (same as UILabel from AsyncDisplayKit) to display an html text. I simply have to set the label's attributed text.
There is how i work my string :
Using this extension i transform the HTML text into a NSAttributedString :
extension String {
var html2AttributedString: NSAttributedString? {
guard let data = data(using: .utf8) else { return nil }
do {
return try NSAttributedString(data: data, options: [NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType, NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue], documentAttributes: nil)
} catch let error as NSError {
return nil
var html2String: String {
return html2AttributedString?.string ?? ""
Then i set my label details :
self.displayContent = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: content.html2AttributedString!)
self.displayContent?.addAttribute(NSFontAttributeName, value: UIFont.fontMainFeedContentFont(), range: NSRange.init(location: 0, length: self.displayContent!.length))
So i have my label with my font and it's ok, problem is that i can't change the links colors of my label, it's a system blue that i do want.
Any idea how can i change the links' colors ?
I found an answer for this in Swift 4.0
termsAndPolicyTextView.linkTextAttributes = [
Full code:
Note: I can't set multiple color in a single textView
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: termsAndPolicyText)
value: "",
range: (termsAndPolicyText as NSString).range(of: "Terms or service")
value: "", // Todo set our terms and policy link here
range: (termsAndPolicyText as NSString).range(of: "Privacy & Legal Policy")
[NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.NMSTextColor(with: 0.6)],
range: NSRange(location: 0, length: termsAndPolicyText.count)
termsAndPolicyTextView.linkTextAttributes = [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.termstextViewTextColor()
termsAndPolicyTextView.attributedText = attributedString
termsAndPolicyTextView.textAlignment = .center