My user is allowed do delete some of the resources he has created himself but when he is destroying a resource, there is is problem because I have a model that called resourcequantity that depend on the resource model and I don't want to create a dependent destroy as it will impact the workgroups my user has already created (workgroup is a model containing multiple resources through resource_quantities see below).
What I am trying to do is allowing my user to softly delete its resources while keeping the resource in the database to keep all documents unchanged even if some resources have been destroyed.
I am currently using the paranoia gem and I have tried to implement dependent: :nullify without big success. When using paranoia gem I got an NoMethodError for nill class as it will only look for the resources where deleted_at is null.
I am a bit lost and don't really where to begin.
Here are my three models
class Resource < ApplicationRecord
has_many :workgroups, through: :resource_quantities
has_many :resource_quantities, inverse_of: :resource, dependent: :nullify
accepts_nested_attributes_for :resource_quantities, allow_destroy: true
class ResourceQuantity < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :workgroup, optional: true, inverse_of: :resource_quantities
belongs_to :resource, optional: true, inverse_of: :resource_quantities
accepts_nested_attributes_for :resource, :allow_destroy => true
validates :workgroup, uniqueness: { scope: :resource }
class Workgroup < ApplicationRecord
has_many :resource_quantities, inverse_of: :workgroup, dependent: :destroy
has_many :resources, through: :resource_quantities, dependent: :nullify
accepts_nested_attributes_for :resource_quantities, allow_destroy: true
belongs_to :contractor
belongs_to :workgroup_library, optional: true
validates :name, presence: true
Is it possible to do something like this where the resource would be softely deleted ?
def total_cost_price
total_cost_price = 0
self.resource_quantities.each do |f|
total_cost_price += f.resource.purchase_price
I am not the best in ruby so if you have any advices please feel free to share. Thank you in advance
Ok this issue has been resolved by defining resource as such in the models that was belonging to the Resource model.
def resource
Resource.unscoped {super}
thanks to paranoia I can access my resources from my other models even if they have been deleted from the the Resource model. (No need to nullified the relationship)
Resource.unscoped {super}
it actually removes the "WHERE ("resources"."deleted_at" NULL)" you can observed in your consol which is pretty handy.