I have a situation where I have a loop, that is going to read chunk of data from a file, send those chunk to a rest api, and continue until the EOF, but I want this to be async inside the loop, so, I don't have to wait until the API respond to read the next chunk. I have been looking at Amphp and ReactPHP for I can't find a solution to this, or maybe I don't understand how are those libraries supposed to be used. here is a pseudo of what I am doing.
$chunk = getNextChunk();
function getNextChunk(){
echo "reading next chunk";
// read next chunk of data
sample with amphp
function sendChunkAsync($chunk){
Loop::run(function () {
$uri = "https://testapi.com/api";
$client = new DefaultClient;
try {
$promises = $client->request($uri);
$responses = yield $promises;
echo "chunk processed";
} catch (Amp\Artax\HttpException $error) {
// log error
// $error->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
In this case I would expect (if reading chunk is faster than getting response from api) something like this, don't take this literary, I am trying to illustrate it for you.
Reading next chunk
Reading next chunk
chunk processed
Reading next chunk
chunk processed
chunk processed
I am going to use React as I know the library better but they work in similar ways.
EDIT: updated, see comments
This will read in a file and every time it recieves a chunk of data, it will create an api call and send the data off
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
function async_send($config, $file, callable $proccessor)
$config['ssl'] = true === $config['ssl'] ? 's' : '';
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([
'base_uri' => 'http' . $config['ssl'] . '://' . $config['domain'] . '/rest/all/V1/',
'verify' => false,
'http_errors' => false
$loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$filesystem = \React\Filesystem\Filesystem::create($loop);
$filesystem->getContents($file)->then(function($contents) use ($config, $proccessor, $client) {
$contents = $proccessor($contents);
$client->post($config['uri'], ['body' => $contents]);
$config = [
'domain' => 'example.com',
'ssl' => true
//somewhere later
$configp['uri'] = 'products';
async_send($configp, __DIR__ . 'my.csv', function ($contents) {
return json_encode($contents);