
Play Music And Sound Effects On Top Of Each other (PyGame)

I was wondering if it is possible to play a sound over a different sound using the pygame mixer. So for example I would have quiet background music playing, and then something happens and another sound played on top if it. Currently for the background music I use this:

pygame.mixer.init()"Audio Assets//bob.wav")

But if I play another sound in a method the background music completely stops and doesn't start over again. Is it possible to play two sound on top of eachother?

Edit: I am now wondering how I could play a sound while a show and image in Tkinter, here is my code for showing the image:

def one():
    pone = PhotoImage(file="Image Assets//DEAD.gif")
    labelone = Label(root, image=pone)
    labelone.image = pone
    labelone.after(2000, labelone.destroy)

As you can see the image gets shown and then destroyed after 2 seconds. How would I be able to play audio during those seconds using the channels and mixer?

EDIT 2: It was very simple, I just placed pygame.mixer.Channel(0).play(pygame.mixer.Sound('sound\gun_fire.wav'), maxtime=600) at the end of the method and it plays as the image is shown.


  • In order to play sound effects over music (or sound effects over other sound effects), you can use Channels. for example:

    # initialize
    # start playing the background music, 'sound', 'main_theme.wav'))  # loop forever

    Then later in the code, you can play sound effects through Channels:

    # play a sound on channel 0 with a max time of 600 milliseconds
    pygame.mixer.Channel(0).play(pygame.mixer.Sound('sound\gun_fire.wav'), maxtime=600)
    # you can play a longer sound on another channel and they won't conflict
    pygame.mixer.Channel(1).play(pygame.mixer.Sound("sound\death.wav"), maxtime=2000)

    For more information on Channels

    if you are looking to set the volume of an individual channel, you can use the set_volume() function:

    channel.set_volume(0.5)  # play at 50% volume