When you submit an arrayjob, you do something like this:
qsub -t 1-1000 -N myArray arrayjob.sh
#This execute arrayjob 1000 simultaneus times, calling the job "myArray"
I would like to wrap this in another script that tells me "Ehi, all the tasks are done!"
Some people will propose:
qsub somethingAfterAllTheTask.sh -hold_jid "myArray"
So what I want is a pseudo-script like this:
qsub -t 1-1000 -N myArray arrayjob.sh
if [all_the_task_are_completed]; then
echo Done!
How do I obtain such behavior? Thanks in advance
There is this question but it's not about array-jobs, and it still does not satisfy my problem
Using -sync y
when submitting the arrayjob, the command which launches all the tasks will not die until all the tasks are finished.
Thanks to @Oo.oO for the tip