I am able to fetch the vsrx (public/private/mgmt) IP using getNetworkGateways service using curl -g https://xxxx:xx@api.softlayer.com/rest/v3/SoftLayer_Account/getNetworkGateways?objectMask=mask[id,name,networkSpace,status.name,publicIpAddress,memberCount]
but I am not getting the vsrx configuration IP. Vsrx is the Juniper based Gateway Appliance in the IBM Cloud infrastructure.
I suggest you try the request adding SoftLayer_Network_Gateway properties into the mask and adding filter. You can use the following rest api call to retrieve gateways details.
Method: GET
Also ,you can to try using the SoftLayer_Network_Gateway::getObject method as below:
Method: GET
You will get a response like this
"id": 111111,
"name": "test-vsrx",
"privateIpAddress": {
"ipAddress": "privateIp"
"publicIpAddress": {
"ipAddress": "publicIp"
"publicIpv6Address": {
"ipAddress": "publicIpv6"
You can check the link below may be it help you with performing vSRX basics: IBM Cloud Juniper vSRX Standard