
Reload a field from the controller.php

I have a logic hook that changes a field's value, but in order to see the change I need to refresh the whole page... I want it to refresh the field in real time.

So I'm trying to accomplish something like this(

But instead of reloading a whole subpanel through the controller.php I'm trying to find a way to refresh a single field.

Can anyone advise what method needs to be used to reload a field?

For example to reload a subpanel it's




But what is the JS method that reload a single field?


  • I couldn't find any built-in functions in suiteCRM that do it, spent a lot of time going through the chrome debugger, but nothing worked.

    Here's a video that explains what's happening and the actual code example

    You need to get the new status from the back-end then update the field inside the controller.php with:

    document.querySelector('div[type="enum"][field="$field_to_update"]').innerHTML = "$inventory_status_c";

    The whole controller.php file example is here, it all makes sense if you watch the 5 minute video:

    class un_inventoryController extends SugarController {
        function action_SubPanelViewer() {
        require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelViewer.php';
    // only if this is creation of new sale under accounts, refresh the screen so the salerow subpanel will be refreshed too
    if ( array_key_exists('module', $_REQUEST) && array_key_exists('subpanel', $_REQUEST) && array_key_exists('action', $_REQUEST) &&
    $_REQUEST['module'] == 'un_inventory' && $_REQUEST['subpanel'] == "un_inventory_leads_1" && $_REQUEST['action'] == "SubPanelViewer") {
        write_to_log(array("request" => $_REQUEST), "all conditions filled, custom controller called", true);
        // Get the ID of the inventory unit so we can fetch the new status_c field and update the field right away (otherwise we'll have to refresh the page
        $inventory = BeanFactory::getBean($_REQUEST["module"], $_REQUEST["record"]);
        $inventory_status_c = ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $inventory->status_c));
        $field_to_update = "status_c";
        // Update the status
        $( document ).ready(function() { 
            document.querySelector('div[type="enum"][field="$field_to_update"]').innerHTML = "$inventory_status_c";
        echo $js;