
is "Eclipse Tools for IBM Cloud" or "Eclipse Tools for BlueMix" still existing / available for download?

I am looking for either

  1. the "Eclipse Tools for IBM Cloud", or
  2. the "Eclipse Tools for BlueMix"

but have no success. Could someone help/point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.

Note: I have tried different avenues, and it seems this tool has been removed:

  1. IBM Cloud / Docs / Getting Started / Developing with Eclipse page has
    • A) a link "Deploying apps with IBM Eclipse Tools for IBM Cloud" to "page not found"
    • B) an Eclipse install button to Eclipse Market Place with no tool with above names.
  2. Some tutorials & Developer pages also have similar unresolved links to the above tools.


  • Yes, some of the links related eclipse tool seems to be broken. This one seems to be still available:

    Also, the latest release points to move to jetbrains IDE:

    The CLI tools have all the capabilities of managing your IBM cloud application deployment and development.

    FYI, following screenshot shows how to create connection to bluemix.

    enter image description here