
SubGit: Use Git Pull Request Description as SVN Commit Message

I see the option to define a custom SVN commit message with the configuration option svnCommitMessage using SubGit. Looking at this documentation, I don's see any ways to define this by pull request, though. I believe the options to be per individual commit. I'd ideally like my SVN message to be the pull request message.

Is this possible? How?


  • At this time SVN Mirror add-on has no possibility to put pull request message into SVN commit message, all the "svnCommitMessage" placeholders are indeed related to individual commits.

    Regarding the branch permissions -- note, that despite that "pull request only" permission changes from SVN will be written into the repository directly.

    Honestly, I haven't completely understood your idea about squashing: if you are using "squash" merge strategy, then indeed all the commits will be squashed into a single commit and it will be translated to SVN, so only one commit will appear in the destination branch, but that commit message will not be the same as the pull request comment.