
What are the core differences between MySQL WorkBench and SQL WorkBench?

I've searched substantially but I was unable to find a consistent answer for the following question: What are the core differences between "MySQL Workench/J" and "SQL WorkBench"? The only difference I've really found was that MySQL WorkBench is owned by Oracle.

Sorry if this is an inappropriate question.


  • SQL Workbench/J has no relation whatsoever with MySQL Workbench.

    SQL Workbench/J is DBMS independent SQL tool that works across a wide range of database products, not only MySQL. It's an open source project without any ties to Oracle.

    The name SQL Workbench/J was chosen back in 2002 long before an Oracle product with the name MySQL Workbench existed - back then only DbDesigner existed which was later forked into MySQL Workbench.

    Probably the biggest difference is that SQL Workbench/J is a tool run SQL queries, whily MySQL Workbench is more of a ER modelling tool that over the years incorporated query capabilities as well.