
Moving resources between CloudFormation stacks

Lets imagine that i have a cloudformation stack with 2 EC2 instances 1 S3 bucket and 1 dynamoDb table. Everything is good with this stack until we decide to do some refactoring and split this stack into two stacks. Stack A that has only 2 EC2 instances and Stack B that has 1 S3 bucket and 1 dynamoDb table.

My question is: what is the best way to do that without destroying and re creating the resources or doing migration? (i am looking for a solution similar to terraform move state).

Could you please share how you organise your stacks and how you refactor them.


  • Currently, there is no mechanism in CloudFormation to move objects/resources from 1 stack to another.

    If you had used Terraform to deploy your resources, then yes, you could use terraform state mv to move resources from one state file to a different state file. A Terraform state file is associated with a single Terraform deployment, so you you could think of it as being analogous to how CloudFormation stores its version of what's deployed in a stack.

    Note that Terraform state moves are not the simplest things in the world and AFAIK there is no GUI interface to assist with moves. Make backups and set aside time for testing.

    There is, however, a project called Terraboard that is a GUI that can help you inspect the state file.