I´m trying to use the @bot.message_handler with lambda to capture some words in the messages sending in a group with my bot. I see a lot of examples and everybody use a code similar to this:
import telebot
bot_token = 'Blablabla'
bot = telebot.TeleBot(bot_token)
# filter on a specific message
@bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: message.text == "hi")
def command_text_hi(m):
bot.send_message(m.chat.id, "I love you too!")
def send_welcome(m):
bot.send_message(m.chat.id, 'Welcome!')
@bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: True, content_types=['text'])
def command_default(m):
# this is the standard reply to a normal message
bot.send_message(m.chat.id, "I don't understand, try with /help")
It runs, but if I send "hi" in the group (with the BOT inside), the BOT didn't say "I love you too!" and I don't why. But if I say /start, the BOT says "Welcome!!"
I tried with @bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: True) as I saw in https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI#a-simple-echo-bot but again it doesn't work.
What can I do to use message_handler and capture some words in the message?
By default privacy mode is enabled for Telegram bots.
A bot running in privacy mode will not receive all messages that people send to the group. Instead, it will only receive:
Messages that start with a slash ‘/’ (see Commands above)
Replies to the bot's own messages
Service messages (people added or removed from the group, etc.)
Messages from channels where it's a member
You could disable privacy mode for your bot through BotFather.