
How to login with Google in Microsoft Word Add-In

In the link below it is suggested to use Google Auth Lib, but the github link provided does not refer to any javascript library:

As far as I know I cannot use the Code FLow as it needs a redirect URL. How should I get Access Token from Google in Microsoft Word Add-In?


  • In order to Login using Google, Facebook, etc you can use office-js-helpers:

    Install it using npm:

    npm install --save @microsoft/office-js-helpers

    And in your code, inside of Office.initialize:

    Office.initialize = function (reason) {
        // This to inform the Authenticator to automatically close the authentication dialog once the authentication is complete.
        if (OfficeHelpers.Authenticator.isAuthDialog()) return;
        // register Google endpoint using
             .then(function (token) { console.log('_GOOGLE_TOKEN: ', token); })

    That's it!