Hi there im having some issues with MongoDb i have a CRUD and this is the code im using
First the POJO:
@Document(collection = "Informacion")
public class Informacion {
//Declaration code
public Informacion(Pais pais, Date fechaCreacion, String nombre, Boolean sexo,
Date fechaNacimiento, List<Preferencias> preferencias, String numTelefono, String usuario,
List<RedesSociales> redes, String contraseniaTW, String contraseniaFB, String contraseniaIG,
Grupo grupo, String paqChip, String email, String contraseniaMail, String fuente,
Date fechaRecarga) {
this.pais = pais;
this.fechaCreacion = fechaCreacion;
this.nombre = nombre;
this.sexo = sexo;
this.fechaNacimiento = fechaNacimiento;
this.preferencias = preferencias;
this.numTelefono = numTelefono;
this.usuario = usuario;
this.redes = redes;
this.contraseniaTW = contraseniaTW;
this.contraseniaFB = contraseniaFB;
this.contraseniaIG = contraseniaIG;
this.grupo = grupo;
this.paqChip = paqChip;
this.email = email;
this.contraseniaMail = contraseniaMail;
this.fuente = fuente;
this.fechaRecarga = fechaRecarga;
Now the DAO:
public interface informacionRepo extends MongoRepository<Informacion,String> {
Informacion findByIdInformacion(String id);
And the controller:
public class InformacionControlador {
private informacionRepo informacioRepo;
public InformacionControlador(informacionRepo informacioRepo) {
this.informacioRepo = informacioRepo;
public List<Informacion> getAll(){
List<Informacion> info = this.informacioRepo.findAll();
return info;
public void insert(@RequestBody Informacion informacion){
public void update(@RequestBody Informacion informacion){
public void delete(@PathVariable("id") String id){
public Informacion getById(@PathVariable("id") String id){
Informacion info = this.informacioRepo.findByIdInformacion(id);
return info;
Im using POSTMAN to test the methods above but im getting empty answers, the data is already set on the Database, im using a method call seeder that fills the data also y check it with robo mongo and the data is there but still getting empty answers also when i try the insert method i get 403 error. Thanks for your help This is the answer seen from the web browser
The problem was that im using the annotation @Data from lombok but i didnt enable annotation processing in the IDE just enable it and works :D