
JXTA Configuration

can someone help to configure JXTA ??

enter image description here

I'm not understanding what type of uri to place as the rendez vous


  • Noor, you are using an old version of JXTA. The window you see has been completely removed from the code base in 2.7. It is not used in 2.6 too. JXTA is not configured with this window anymore.

    About your question, there are two types of URIs: seed and seeding. Seeds are describing 'locations' of peers devices acting as RendezVous or Relays (i.e., 'super' peers). This information is used directly by peers to connect RDV or relays.

    Seedings are locations where peers can load information about locations of seed peers. Typically, they point towards an online xml advertisement document. First, these documents are loaded by peers. Then, the extracted content is used by peers to connect to rdv or relay peers.

    You can also read the Practical JXTA II document available online at Scribd. For more details about JXTA configuration.