
Bash complete with "@"-sign

I am trying to create an autocomplete script for scp. The script reads the user and hostname from my .ssh/config file. My .ssh/config file looks like:

Host host1
    HostName host1
    User userA
    port 22

Host host2
    HostName host2
    User userB
    port 22

Host host3
    HostName host3
    User userB
    port 22

My file is:

function _scp_completion() {
    pcregrep -o -M 'HostName [a-zA-Z.]+[\n\t\s]+User [a-zA-Z]+' 
    $HOME/.ssh/config | awk 'NR % 2 == 1 { o=$2 ; next } { print $2"@"o}'

complete -W "$(_scp_completion)" scp

I source this file in my bashrc.

Now when I type userA and press Tab, the autocomplete function will give me userA@host1. When I type userB and hit Tab, the autocomplete function will give me userB@, but I am not able to get the full string (userB@host2 or userB@host3).

It also doesn't work when I type userA@h and hit the Tab button twice. So it seems to get stuck due to the @ sign. (When I remove the @ sign from the _scp_completion function it works fine.)

Any ideas to fix this? Thanks!


  • The easy way to make it work is to remove the @ char from $COMP_WORDBREAKS or Bash would handle @ by itself.

    complete -W 'userA@host1 userB@host2 userB@host3' scp

    According to man bash:


      The set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators when performing word completion.