I defined some basic Inspec tests to check if a loadbalancer is active:
proxy = attribute('proxy_netlb_arn')
control 'Checks if all the ECE Load balancers are active ' do
impact 1.0
title 'Checks if all the ECE Load balancers are active'
describe command("aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --load-balancer-arn proxy['value'] | jq -r '.[][].State.Code'") do
its('stdout') { should match "active" }
I use a variable called "proxy" which contains the ARN of the Loadbalancer. Unfortunately the variable is not recognized as such because it is inside the command.
you should use string interpolation to get the value of your string variable.
assuming proxy['value']
returns the value of the proxy
variable. then you can do it as follows:
proxy = attribute('proxy_netlb_arn')
control 'Checks if all the ECE Load balancers are active ' do
impact 1.0
title 'Checks if all the ECE Load balancers are active'
describe command("aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --load-balancer-arn #{proxy['value']} | jq -r '.[][].State.Code'") do
its('stdout') { should match "active" }