I got used to develop Extensions for Navision based von V2, so I was wondering, if there is a way to use the AL-Dev-Tools for developing V2 Extensions for Dynamics NAV 2017.
I could not find the ALLanguage.vsi for Version 10, only for Version 11 (NAV 2018) and Version 12 (NAV BC).
Is there a way to get a ALLanguage.vsi for Dynamics NAV 2017 or do I have to undust the old Dynamics DevEnviroment?
Thanks for helping, greetings.
No, it's not possible. And Extensions V2 is supported only from NAV2018 onwards Regarding the vsix, you can find it in Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\130\AL Development Environment\ it's the ALLanguage.vsix You can install it in Viscose using "Install from VSIX"