
Selectively allow unsafe html tags in Plone

I'm searching for a way to put widgets from several services (PicasaWeb, Yahoo Pipes, Delicious bookmarks, etc.) on the community site I host on Plone (currently 3.2.1). I'm looking for a way to allow a group of users to use dangerous html tags.

There are some ways I see, but I don't know how to implement those. One would be changing safe_html for the pages editors own (1). Another would be to allow those tags on some subtree (2). And yet another finding an equivalent of "static text portlet" that would display in the middle panel (3). We could then use some of the composite products (I stumbled upon Collage and CMFContentPanels), to include the unsafe content on other sites.

My site has been ridden by advert bots, so I don't want to remove the filtering all together. I don't have an easy (no false positives) way of checking which users are bots, so deploying captcha now wouldn't help either.

The question is: How to implement any of those solutions?

(I already asked that on plone mailing list without an answer, so I thought I would give it another try here.)


  • Solution (3):

    1. Use TAL portlet to add non-filtered HTML/JS snippets
    2. Use ContentWellPortlets to show these portlets above or below your content.