
Visibility of other transactions inside given one

How does Postgres decide which transactions are visible to a given transaction according to the isolation level?

I know that Postgres uses xmin and xmax and compares it to xid, but I haven't found the articles with proper details.

Do you know the process under hood?


  • This depends on the current snapshot.

    READ COMMITTED transactions take a new snapshot for every query, while REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZABLE transactions take a snapshot when the first query is run and keep it for the whole duration of the transaction.

    The snapshot is defined as struct SnapshotData in include/utils/snapshot.h and essentially contains the following:

    To determine if a tuple is visible to a snapshot, its xmin must be a committed transaction ID that is visible and its xmax must not be a committed transaction ID that is visible.

    To determine if a transaction is committed or not, the commit log has to be consulted unless the hint bits of the tuple (which cache that information) have already been set.