When I run berks (install, package, or simply berks) on my cookbook directory, I get the message below, saying Berks can't set the value for ssl.verify
[jenkins@8ba245c234cb mycookbook_PR-58]$ berks
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@global/gems/berkshelf-7.0.7/lib/berkshelf/cached_cookbook.rb:97: warning: already initialized constant Berkshelf::CachedCookbook::DIRNAME_REGEXP
/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/berkshelf-7.0.7/lib/berkshelf/cached_cookbook.rb:97: warning: previous definition of DIRNAME_REGEXP was here
An error occurred while reading the Berksfile:
Cannot set unsupported config value ssl.verify.
However, I don't even have a ~/.berkshelf/config.json
file and therefore I don't think I'm trying to set this variable anywhere. Any idea what could be wrong?
Ruby 2.4.0, Berkshelf 7.0.7
i am quoting an old answer of mine from [Berks install SSL_Connect Certification Verify failed]:
try placing the following snippet into you berksfile configuration at ~/.berkshelf/config.json
"ssl": {
"verify": false