Ok. So, I've been running this on my iphone. It works for songs just fine, I'm able to display a list of songs complete with artist names and album covers in a UITableview, however the moment I try to search for albums I just get null. Here is my code for the album query.
NSMutableArray *AlbumsList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];;
MPMediaQuery *allAlbums = [[MPMediaQuery alloc] init];
NSArray *itemsFromAlbumQuery = [allAlbums collections];
//NSLog(@"Albums: %@", itemsFromAlbumQuery);
NSString* mediaTitle; //the title holder
int whileX = 0;
MPMediaItem* mediaItem; //the media holding object
while(whileX != [itemsFromAlbumQuery count]){
mediaItem = itemsFromAlbumQuery[whileX];
mediaTitle = [mediaItem valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyAlbumTitle];
[AlbumsList addObject: mediaTitle];
//create a list of song names
whileX += 1;
I've tried doing a specific albums query rather than general query and had the same result, I'm a little confused here, if I get this query below to return [allAlbums items] with mediaTitle set to Album name I get the album name for every song in my library, however if I try to get collections I just get null, all my songs are defined correctly with the album and artist fields filled in so I know this isn't the issue.
This works for me
MPMediaQuery *allAlbums = [MPMediaQuery albumsQuery];
NSArray *itemsFromAlbumQuery = [allAlbums collections];
for(int i=0; i< itemsFromAlbumQuery.count;i++){
MPMediaItemCollection* mc=itemsFromAlbumQuery[i];
MPMediaItem* item=mc.representativeItem;
NSString* title=[item valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyAlbumTitle];