
How to view image and pdf files preview in yii2 kartik multiple file upload in update form

Here below is the kartik file input widget in update_form.

echo FileInput::widget(
        'name' => 'BriefRequirements[requirement_value][]',
        'attribute' => 'assets_file',
        'id' => 'assets_file',
        'options' => ['multiple' => true],
        'pluginOptions' => [
            'overwriteInitial' => false,
            'initialPreview' => $image_url,
            'deleteUrl' => ' site/delete',
            'initialPreviewAsData' => true,
            'initialPreviewFileType' => 'image' //'pdf'

below is multiple image loading code,

foreach ($modelRequirements as $req) {
    $image_url[] = Yii::$app->request->baseUrl
        . '/theme/business_campaign_files/'
        . $req['requirement_value'];

I need help with my two questions:

  1. Need to show all selected format files like image, pdf, doc etc [I tried to like 'initialPreviewFileType'=>'any'] not working.

  2. I want to pass the selected image id to action to delete the image? - 'deleteUrl' => ' site/delete','id'=>12, <-- like this.


  • In the below code i got the result for my two questions.

    $initializeConfig = [];
    $initializeConfig1 = [];
    if ($modelRequirements) {
        foreach ($modelRequirements as $req) {
            $extension = substr(
                strrpos($req['requirement_value'], '.') + 1
            $image_url[] = Yii::$app->request->baseUrl
                . '/theme/business_campaign_files/'
                . $req['requirement_value'];
            $initializeConfig1['url'] = Url::toRoute('delete-requirement');
            $initializeConfig1['key'] = $req['id'];
            $initializeConfig1['type'] = $type;
            array_push($initializeConfig, $initializeConfig1);

    In the above code i got the result for my two questions.

    1. For delete -> mentioned url I wrote the delete function, also through key parameter I passed the id.

    2. For view all the extension files u have to send like "type" $initializeConfig1['type'] = $type; in the type variable i am getting the image extension based on the extension i am setting the format of the file like[pdf,xlsx,image].
