
Show div even if empty

I use Vuejs and have a component with div container which collapses if it's empty.

  <div>{{ content }}</div>

export default {
  name: "myComponent",
  props: {
    content: String

When consuming this component I could go for

<MyComponent content="text to show" />

but what if I want it to be empty? Then the div takes no space and collapses. I want to prevent it.

<!-- This one takes no space -->
<div>This one takes space</div>

I thought about passing a unicode

div {
  background: red;
  margin: 20px;
<div>This one takes space</div>

but the component does not convert it to a unicode character when receiving a string as a parameter.

Is there a solution using CSS instead of a unicode character?

I created a small example to show the current problem


  • You could add a non-breaking space (Unicode symbol U+00A0) as the content of a pseudoelement only for :empty divs (and an empty string as alternative text for ATs)

    div:empty::before {
       content: "\A0" / "";
    div { border: 1px #ccc solid; }

    or you could set a specific min-height to div:empty