I want to dynamically pass the options object to Gutenberg SelectControl:
el( SelectControl, {
label: __( 'Animation' ),
value: props.attributes.animation,
onChange: ( value ) => { props.setAttributes( { animation: value } ); },
options: [
{ value: 'date', label: __( 'One column' ) },
{ value: 'title', label: __( 'Two columns' ) },
I have a PHP function that returns an object of available animations?
function animation( ) {
$animations = array(
'' => 'none',
'fade' => 'fade',
'fade-up' => 'fade-up',
'fade-down' => 'fade-down',
'zoom-out-up' => 'zoom-out-up',
'zoom-out-down' => 'zoom-out-down',
'zoom-out-left' => 'zoom-out-left',
'zoom-out-right' => 'zoom-out-right'
return apply_filters( '_animations', $animations );
I have used wp_localize_script to get the array as object in JS:
$variables['animations'] = _functions::_animation();
wp_localize_script( $this->plugin_name, 'meetongo', $variables );
and you can access that object like this:
console.log( meetongo.animations );