In SSRS Expression, how to count the numbers of rows that present in today or yesterday in dataset with other equivalent condition,
For example
DateDiff(DateInterval.Day,Cdate("01/01/1900"),Fields!Opendate.Value) =
DateDiff(DateInterval.Day,Cdate("01/01/1900"), Now()), Fields!Opendate.Value, Nothing))
Using this expression I can check get the total count for today, it's working.
I need to add to check today date with other condition like:
If (today date and Fields!reason.Value = "Other")
It's not working when I add reason value to check :
DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, Cdate("01/01/1900"), Fields!Opendate.Value) =
DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, Cdate("01/01/1900"), Now()) -1, Fields!Opendate.Value, Nothing ) **And Fields!reason.Value = "Other"**)
Please guide me
Just add it in your IIF()
DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, Cdate("01/01/1900"), Fields!Opendate.Value) =
DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, Cdate("01/01/1900")
And Fields!reason.Value = "Other",
Now()) -1,