
Show aggregate count of large number of entities in Symfony 3.4 Easy Admin bundle

I'm trying to show a count of related entities for an entity List view, but there's too many so it runs out of memory (it does a simple count($this->relatedEntities)) in the Entity.

Any idea how/where I can override the ListController of QueryBuilder to add an aggeregated COUNT() column?

I tried extending the AdminController and hooking into the findAll() function (to manually add a count to each object), but that doesn't give me a list of entities but a Pagerfanta object.


  • Here's how I fixed it:

    Overriding the renderTemplate in custom AdminController:

    protected function renderTemplate($actionName, $templatePath, array $parameters = array())
        if ($actionName === 'list' && $this->entity['class'] === ClassA::class) {
            //piggyback on virtual property 'count'
            $parameters['fields']['count']['servicecounts'] = $this->MyEntityRepository->getCounts();
        return $this->render($templatePath, $parameters);

    easy_admin config:

        - { property: 'count', template: 'count.html.twig' }


    {{ field_options.servicecounts[] }}

    getCounts function:

    public function getCounts()
        $qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
            ->select(', count(ce.recordId)')
            ->from(ClassA::class, 's')
            ->leftJoin(ClassB::class, 'ce', Join::WITH, ' = ce.service')
        $results = [];
        foreach ($qb->getQuery()->execute() as $row) {
            $results[$row['id']] = $row[1];
        return $results;