I am trying to do an ajax request and depending on the ajax request results I will allow the form to submit to the controller. However everytime the ajax request runs I get the error message.
Here is my javascript function:
function CheckForValidation(e) {
var scholarshipRequest = $("#scholars").val();
var aidYearRequest = $("#aidYear").val();
var amountRequest = $("#amount").val();
type: "POST",
url: '@Url.Action("Validate_ScholarshipRequest", "RequestController")',
data: {
scholarshipId: scholarshipRequest,
aidYear: aidYearRequest,
amount: amountRequest
}).success(function(response) {
if (!response.success) {
} else {
}).error(function() {
alert("Error on Submission");
This function is called from here:
$("#SubmitTutorRequestFrm").submit(function(e) {
I try to debug the code and put a breakpoint on Validate_ScholarshipRequest but that method never gets called. The method signature is:
public ActionResult Validate_ScholarshipRequest(string scholarshipId, string aidYear, string amount)
This is the start of my form:
@using (Html.BeginForm("SubmitScholarshipRequest", "Request", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "SubmitTutorRequestFrm" }))
Just to get this officially answered and "closed", this was caused by a syntax-error:
url: '@Url.Action("Validate_ScholarshipRequest", "RequestController")',
Controller should not be included in the controller name. The correct action would then be:
url: '@Url.Action("Validate_ScholarshipRequest", "Request")',