
Spring MockMvc - getting java.time.Instant from REST

I have a resource that returns me an object with java.time.Instant property.

class X {
    private Instant startDate;

And I am testing it with:


But what I get from JUnit is:

Expected: a collection containing <2018-06-08T11:46:50.292Z> but: was <1528458378.397000000>

How can I map my Instant date to this format?


  • I've found a solution by making a custom Matcher:

    class DateEquals extends BaseMatcher<Integer> {
        private final Date expectedValue;
        DateEquals(Date equalArg) {
            expectedValue = equalArg;
        public boolean matches(Object item) {
            Long dateTimeMillis = (Long) item;
            return dateTimeMillis.equals(toEpochMillis(expectedValue));
        public void describeTo(Description description) {
            description.appendValue(" equals to date: " + expectedValue);

    Factory for it:

    public class CustomMatchersFactory {
        public static Matcher dateEquals(Date date) {
            return is(new DateEquals(date));

    And usage:

    .andExpect(jsonPath("$.content.[*].startDate", dateEquals(MY_INSTANT_DATE)));