
Make thread wait for condition but allow thread to remain usable while waiting or listening for a signal

Given a situation where thread A had to dispatch work to thread B, is there any synchronisation mechanism that allows thread A to not return, but remain usable for other tasks, until thread B is done, of which then thread A can return?

This is not language specific, but simple c language would be a great choice in responding to this.

This could be absolutely counterintuitive; it actually sounds as such, but I have to ask before presuming...

Please Note This is a made up hypothetical situation that I'm interested in. I am not looking for a solution to an existing problem, so alternative concurrency solutions are completely pointless. I have no code for it, and if I were in it I can think of a few alternative code engineering solutions to avoid this setup. I just wish to know if a thread can be usable, in some way, while waiting for a signal from another thread, and what synchronisation mechanism to use for that.


As I mentioned above, I know how to synchronise threads etc. Im only interested in the situation that I have presented here. Mutexes, semaphores and locks all kinds of mechanisms will all synchronise access to resources, synchronise order of events, synchronise all kinds of concurrently issues, yes. But Im not interested in how to do it properly. I just have this made up situation that I wish to know if it can be addressed with a mechanism as described prior.


It seems I have opened up a portal for people that think they are experts in concurrency to teleport and lecture at chance how they think the rest of world does not know how threading works. I simply asked if there is a mechanism for this situation, not a work around solution, not 'the proper way to synchronise', not a better way to do it. I already know what I would do and never be in this made up situation. It's simply hypothetical.


  • After much research, thought, and overview, I have come to the conclusion that its like asking:

    If a calculator has the ability for me simply enter a series of 5 digits and automatically get their sum on the screen.

    No, it does not have such a mode ready. But I can still get the sum with a few extra clicks using the plus and eventually the equal button.

    If i really wanted a thread that can continue while listening for a condition of some sort, I could easily implement a personal class or object around the OS/kernel/SDK thread or whatever and make use of that.

    • So at a low level, my answer is no, there is no such mechanism •

    If a thread is waiting, then it's waiting. If it can continue executing then it is not really 'waiting', in the concurrency meaning of waiting. Otherwise there would be some other term for this state (Alert Waiting, anyone?). This is not to say it is not possible, just not with one simple low level predefined mechanism similar to a mutex or semaphore etc. One could wrap the required functionality in some class or object etc.

    Having said that, there are Interrupts and Interrupt handlers, which come close to addressing this situation. However, an interrupt has to be defined, with its handler. The interrupts may actually be running on another thread (not to say a thread per interrupt). So a number of objects are involved here.