
I'm getting a memory leak but I can't figure out why

I can't tell if there's something really obvious that I'm missing, but I'm writing a small game and I got some memory leaks using DrMemory. I couldn't figure out what was wrong exactly, so I wrote a simpler file that kinda modeled what my game was doing with memory.

class A{
    A() { a = new int[10]; };
    ~A() { delete[] a; };
    int* a;

int main()
    A a;

    return 0;

DrMemory is still telling me that I have a memory leak of two bytes, and I really cannot figure out what would be causing it. This is the error message that was generated

Error #1: LEAK 2 direct bytes 0x00da0c98-0x00da0c9a + 0 indirect bytes
# 0 replace_malloc                            [d:\drmemory_package\common\alloc_replace.c:2576]
# 1 msvcrt.dll!_strdup   
# 2 .text                                     [../../../src/gcc-6.3.0/libgcc/config/i386/cygwin.S:184]
# 3 __mingw_glob                              [../../../src/gcc-6.3.0/libgcc/config/i386/cygwin.S:184]
# 4 _setargv     
# 5 .text        
# 6 mainCRTStartup
# 7 ntdll.dll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain    +0x62     (0x77849802 <ntdll.dll+0x39802>)
# 8 ntdll.dll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain    +0x35     (0x778497d5 <ntdll.dll+0x397d5>)

How can I fix it? And can someone explain what the error is trying to say beyond the fact that there is a memory leak? Thanks!


  • There are no memory leaks, but possible a false positive.
    Here is what I get when I run Dr. Memory:

    Dr. Memory version 1.11.0 build 2 built on Aug 29 2016 02:42:07
    Dr. Memory results for pid 10412: "memoryleakcheck.exe"
    Application cmdline: "C:\Users\user\dev\cpptests\memoryleakcheck\Debug\memoryleakcheck.exe"
    Recorded 115 suppression(s) from default C:\Temp\DrMemory-Windows-1.11.0-2\bin\suppress-default.txt
    Error #1: INVALID HEAP ARGUMENT to free 0x01d000f8
    # 0 replace_free                      [d:\drmemory_package\common\alloc_replace.c:2706]
    # 1 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x0028231e <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x1231e>)
    # 2 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x00281aec <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x11aec>)
    # 3 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x00281933 <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x11933>)
    # 4 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x00281a46 <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x11a46>)
    # 5 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x0028222e <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x1222e>)
    # 6 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x00282097 <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x12097>)
    # 7 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x00281f2d <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x11f2d>)
    # 8 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x002822a8 <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x122a8>)
    # 9 KERNEL32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk +0x23     (0x76c762c4 <KERNEL32.dll+0x162c4>)
    Note: @0:00:00.193 in thread 13020
    Note: refers to -1 byte(s) before next malloc
    Note: next higher malloc: 0x01d000f8-0x01d00120
    Note: refers to -40 byte(s) beyond last valid byte in prior malloc
    Note: prev lower malloc:  0x01d000f8-0x01d00120
    Error #2: LEAK 40 direct bytes 0x01d000f8-0x01d00120 + 0 indirect bytes
    # 0 replace_malloc                    [d:\drmemory_package\common\alloc_replace.c:2576]
    # 1 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x002822bd <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x122bd>)
    # 2 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x00281acc <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x11acc>)
    # 3 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x00281884 <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x11884>)
    # 4 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x00281a34 <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x11a34>)
    # 5 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x0028222e <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x1222e>)
    # 6 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x00282097 <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x12097>)
    # 7 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x00281f2d <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x11f2d>)
    # 8 memoryleakcheck.exe!?            +0x0      (0x002822a8 <memoryleakcheck.exe+0x122a8>)
    # 9 KERNEL32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk +0x23     (0x76c762c4 <KERNEL32.dll+0x162c4>)
          0 unique,     0 total unaddressable access(es)
          0 unique,     0 total uninitialized access(es)
          1 unique,     1 total invalid heap argument(s)
          0 unique,     0 total GDI usage error(s)
          0 unique,     0 total handle leak(s)
          0 unique,     0 total warning(s)
          1 unique,     1 total,     40 byte(s) of leak(s)
          0 unique,     0 total,      0 byte(s) of possible leak(s)
          6 potential error(s) (suspected false positives)
             (details: C:\Temp\DrMemory-Windows-1.11.0-2\drmemory\logs\DrMemory-memoryleakcheck.exe.10412.000\potential_errors.txt)
         17 unique,    29 total,   6711 byte(s) of still-reachable allocation(s)
             (re-run with "-show_reachable" for details)
    Details: C:\Temp\DrMemory-Windows-1.11.0-2\drmemory\logs\DrMemory-memoryleakcheck.exe.10412.000\results.txt

    I compiled with the default settings when I create a new project

    /JMC /permissive- /GS /analyze- /W3 /Zc:wchar_t /ZI /Gm- /Od /sdl /Fd"Debug\vc141.pdb" /Zc:inline /fp:precise /D "_MBCS" /errorReport:prompt /WX- /Zc:forScope /RTC1 /Gd /Oy- /MDd /FC /Fa"Debug\" /EHsc /nologo /Fo"Debug\" /Fp"Debug\memoryleakcheck.pch" /diagnostics:classic 

    and linker:

    /OUT:"C:\Users\user\dev\cpptests\memoryleakcheck\Debug\memoryleakcheck.exe" /MANIFEST /NXCOMPAT /PDB:"C:\Users\user\dev\cpptests\memoryleakcheck\Debug\memoryleakcheck.pdb" /DYNAMICBASE "kernel32.lib" "user32.lib" "gdi32.lib" "winspool.lib" "comdlg32.lib" "advapi32.lib" "shell32.lib" "ole32.lib" "oleaut32.lib" "uuid.lib" "odbc32.lib" "odbccp32.lib" /DEBUG:FASTLINK /MACHINE:X86 /INCREMENTAL /PGD:"C:\Users\user\dev\cpptests\memoryleakcheck\Debug\memoryleakcheck.pgd" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /ManifestFile:"Debug\memoryleakcheck.exe.intermediate.manifest" /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT /NOLOGO /TLBID:1