
Join multiple rasters at specific locations, when the number of rasters is variable

Given "n" rasters, each exactly 100x100 px, I want to combine them all in a single plot such that there are exactly 4 images per row. For n > 4, a new row should be created and so on. Thus, the dimensions of the empty plot created will be fixed along the x-axis, but the y-axis will depend on the number of rasters. I used image_montage() function from "magick" package to generate montages as follows:

mag_montage <- list()
for(ii in 1:n){
filelist_crop <- list.files()[grep(".png",list.files())]  
mag_montagetemp <- image_read(filelist_crop)
mag_montage[[ii]] <- image_montage(mag_montagetemp)

But I can't control the specific position of each individual file within the file montage this way. Knowing the locations is very crucial, as I need to pick certain xy coordinates (using "locator") from the combined rasters for some downstream processing. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.


  • This way you can plot all the rasters inside the list rlist into one plot with 4 columns:

    n <- 26
    rlist <- lapply(1:n,function(x) raster(system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster")))
    for (ii in 1:length(rlist)){
    ## additional options for plot to omit legend and box
    #bty="n", box=FALSE, axes=F, legend=F

    enter image description here